
Bridge4Innovation is a project of The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, the South Bohemian Agency for Support of the Innovative Business and the Biological Centre of The Czech Academy of Sciences financed from the European Social Fund of the European Union.

The aim of the project Bridge4Innovation was the building of a multifunctional platform for the support and popularization of the research, development and innovations, i.e. the platform of a co-operation of chosen key regional partners with a significant engagement of business and public spheres in The South Bohemia Region.B4I is a collection of implements for the support of the co-operation among the industry, research establishments and public administration. B4I mediates the interconnection of the university and the research institutes from The South Bohemia Region with a business sphere with the emphasis on the commercial use of the results of the research and development.

Name of the project: Bridge4Innovation
Registration number of the project: CZ.1.07/2.4.00/12.0099
Operational programme: Education for competitiveness
Priority theme: 2 Tertialy education, research, development
Sphere of support: 2.4 Partnership and nets
Beginning of the project: 1/1/2010
End of the project: 31/12/2012



Biologické centrum AV ČR

The Biological Centre of The Czech Academy of Sciences.

The Biological Centre of the Czech Academy of Science is a public research institution, founded in 2006 by The Czech Academy of Sciences. The Biological Centre is one of the biggest European establishments of the ecologically oriented research, some teams devote themselves to biomedicine and nanotechnologies.

Jihočeská agentura pro podporu inovačního podnikání

The South Bohemia Agency for the Support of the Innovative Business

The co-operation in the support and development of innovations in The South Bohemia Region, the support of business subjects, the run of the 1st period of The South Bohemia Scientific and Technical Park (JVTP).