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Center for the Prevention of Civilization Diseases

Center for the Prevention of Civilization Diseases

"Every day we do one of two things — either

we strengthen our health, or support

disease. "

Adelle Davis



Basic information about the center

The aim of the operation of the center is the implementation of intervention of a preventive nature on the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. The center staff provides short or long-term preventive interventions according to the wishes and needs of the client, working in medical education and in health education.

The center is composed of three organizational units that will intermingle.

  1. Counseling Center for Health Education
  2. Nutritional counseling
  3. Motion counseling

The Center provides:

  • Awareness-raising activities
  • Individual and group counseling
  • The practice of students


General counseling

  • Measurement of blood pressure, BMI, circumference of waist and hips
  • Consultancy in the field of healthy lifestyles
  • Lectures for the general public focused on current issues
  • The organization of public events with a focus on healthy lifestyle

Specific counseling

Nutritional counseling

  • Measurements of body composition via Bodystat 1500 (determination of total body fat, lean body mass, body water content, basal metabolic rate)
  • Nutritional advice for all age groups
  • Compilation of individual diet plans

Motion counseling

  • Comprehensive individual motion counseling
  • Compensation and fitness programs
  • Private coaching lessons

Health counseling


  • Measurements of anthropometric indicators - body height and weight, determination of BMI, total body fat with the OMRON device, subcutaneous fat with calipers
  • Measurement of physiological functions--blood pressure, pulse
  • Measurement of biochemical values – blood sugar, total cholesterol, triglycerides, lactate – everything from peripheral blood--from the drops of blood from a finger
  • Measurements of body composition via Bodystat 1500 (determination of total body fat, lean body mass, body water content, basal metabolic rate)
  • Losing weight with the help of the STOB methodology - using cognitive behavioral therapy - individual and organized courses
  • Sensory activation of seniors with dementia, according to the concept of Lere Wehner - individually and in groups


  • Evaluation of measured values in relation to individual differences, estimating cardiovascular risk and the risk of type II diabetes.
  • The purpose of our counseling is to strengthen motivation in promoting healthy lifestyles of those at risk even in people undergoing treatment for civilization diseases.

Other services offered

  • Individual and group weight loss courses (STOB methodology using cognitive behavioral therapy)
  • Sensory activation of seniors with dementia, according to the concept of Lere Wehner


Hours for the public:

Tuesday: 2 pm to 5 pm - Health counseling - no need to pre-order

Wednesday: 8-11 pm. -Nutritional and motion counseling

Thursday: 2 pm to 5 pm - Health counseling, nutritional counseling and exercise - health counseling without ordering

Individual consultations can be arranged via e-mail or by phone.


Dr. Slavomír Rakouský

Technology scout of Fac. Health&Soc. Studies

University of South Bohemia

Branišovská 31

370 05 České Budějovice

Czech Republic

Phone/ +420 387 772 279

E/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Physiotherapy center

Physiotherapy center

The USB HSSF Physiotherapy Center is a registered, private medical facility providing services in physiotherapy and rehabilitation medicine:

  • comprehensive outpatient services from specialists in the field of physiotherapy, balneology and rehabilitation;
  • superior musculoskeletal examination using static posturography, surface electromyography and ultrasound diagnostics;
  • comprehensive kinesiology analysis;
  • individual physiotherapy using neurophysiological and analytical methods;
  • manual therapy in the form of soft tissue techniques, mobilization of joints and the spine, treatment of scars, classic massage, reflexology;
  • physical therapy - laser, ultrasound, electrotherapy, combination therapy, thermotherapy;
  • kinesiotaping;
  • reeducation of movement stereotypes, ergonomics;
  • preventive and restorative physiotherapy;
  • professional and individual practice for USB HSSF students.

Indication spectrum:

  • functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system as a result of an overload of work, sport, etc.;
  • dysfunction of the pelvic floor, stress incontinence and functional sterility;
  • acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain, particularly the back and joints;
  • conditions after injuries and operations;
  • vertebral diseases (slipped disc);
  • degenerative diseases of the joints and spine;
  • congenital and acquired defects of the spine and lower limbs (arthrosis, foot deformity, scoliosis, poor posture);
  • neurological diseases (stroke, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, peripheral paresis etc.).

We provide services covered as well as not covered by public health insurance. Orders for all services of the Physiotherapy Center at tel. no. 389 037 844.

Physiotherapy is a medical field dealing with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. It is part of a comprehensive rehabilitation that emphasizes interdisciplinary links especially with medical disciplines. Physiotherapy uses standardized procedures based on the latest scientific knowledge and empirical findings, together with natural energy resources in the form of physical therapy. Physiotherapy approaches are primarily based on knowledge of anatomy, kinesiology, physiology, biomechanics and developmental kinesiology.

The aim of physiotherapy is to restore motion and physiological functions of man and his return to a painless life.

Physiotherapy with its specific means intervenes where movement and other physical and mental function are threatened by the aging process, injury, illness, or congenital defects.

Before visiting a physiotherapist, it is advantageous to be examined by a rehabilitation physician, which physiotherapy purposively requires or a medical specialist, who may require physical therapy as part of their field, exceptionally also a general practitioner who may require short-term physical therapy. A specialist in the field of Rehabilitation and physical medicine (formerly physiatry, balneology and therapeutic rehabilitation) after a thorough examination determines whether the patient's condition requires more aggressive medical intervention (e.g. an operation), or whether rest in bed would be more beneficial.

The physiotherapist is an expert on the issue of the musculoskeletal system, who based on his own examination and in accordance with the recommendation of doctors sets up and implements a combination of physiotherapy practices customized for the patient with regard to his or her needs. In therapy, a holistic view of the patient is used. Not only the areas of pain are treated, but distant body segments are also taken into account. The psyche also has a considerable impact on the musculoskeletal system.

The physiotherapist performs complex kinesiology testing, an analysis of activities of daily living, working sterotypes and sporting activities. A part of physiotherapy is prevention, education and counseling in order to maintain or restore motor functions, as well as recommendations for ergonomic adjustments of the residences and workplaces of patients. Through physiotherapy procedures, methods and techniques the physiotherapist specifically affects the function of the locomotor system, internal organs and mental function.


Dr. Slavomír Rakouský

Technology scout of Fac. Health&Soc. Studies

University of South Bohemia

Branišovská 31

370 05 České Budějovice

Czech Republic

Phone/ +420 387 772 279

E/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Senior Center

Basic information about the center

The Center was established at USB HSSF in 2001 and is part of the Institute of Health and Social Work at USB HSSF The target group consists of seniors and persons with Parkinson's disease. In the center, clients are provided free personal consultation on the issue of aging, old age and Parkinson's disease. Memory training courses and reminiscence are in exchange for payment.

The center has cooperated with Společností PARKINSON, v.z. - Klub České Budějovice and the Czech Society for memory training and brain jogging for a long time.

 The Center provides:

  • memory training courses for seniors and reminiscence
  • professional practice of USB HSSF students
  • counseling
  • project, lectures and educational activities.


Dr. Slavomír Rakouský

Technology scout of Fac. Health&Soc. Studies

University of South Bohemia

Branišovská 31

370 05 České Budějovice

Czech Republic

Phone/ +420 387 772 279

E/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Institute of Applied Informatics

Institute of Applied Informatics

Who are we?

The Institute of Applied Informatics (IAI for short) was established 1 January 2009.

What do we do and for whom?

In terms of research activities, our academics are mainly engaged in: the long-term archiving of electronic data, wireless sensory networks, security, system integration etc.

In the area of professional activity the Institute of Applied Informatics guarantees the performance of the computer cluster, which is connected to the computer network MetaCentre CESNET.

Why do we exist?

The institute guarantees the bachelor programs applied informatics and informatics for education. The field informatics for education is designed for combination with another subject of study within USB. An attractive combination is for example informatics - archival science, which we provide in cooperation with the Faculty of Philosophy.

Students may choose from the following specializations in the bachelor's degree program of applied informatics:

  • Management of information systems

  • Electronic banking

  • Design of Web applications

  • Bioinformatics

  • Security and network

What are our aims?

Our goal now is to gain accreditation for follow-up master’s study and offer graduates of bachelor degree programs the opportunity to continue in master’s study.

Where to find us?

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Contact information


Branišovská 31a,

České Budějovice

Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420605430008
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Laboratory of Networking Technologies

Institute of Mathematics and Biomathematics

Institute of Mathematics and Biomathematics

Who are we?

The Institute of Mathematics and Biomathematics arose from the decision of the USB FS Academic Senate of 1 January 2009.

What do we do and for whom?

We ensure the teaching of mathematics for USB FS. Together with the BC of the ASCR we primarily focus on mathematical applications in biological and environmental fields.

Why do we exist?

The Institute guarantees the bachelor’s field mathematics for education and the master’s field teaching of mathematics for secondary schools. Both fields are designed to be combined with another subject of study within USB. The institute now also guarantees the bachelor field of applied mathematics. The main directions of research activities of the institute are particularly applications of mathematics in biology and ecology.

What are our aims?

We aim to create an excellent workplace oriented on applications of mathematics, especially in biological and environmental fields.

Where to find us?

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Contact information


Branišovská 31a,

České Budějovice

Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420 387 772 244

Institute of Physics and Biophysics

Institute of Physics and Biophysics

Who are we?

The institute was founded with the establishment of the Faculty of Science, which builds on traditional studies of biophysics of the former Faculty of Biology and expands the range of other physically based fields.

What do we do and for whom?

We provide training in accredited bachelor's and master's programs.

The department staff are responsible for dealing with GA CR and ME grants, they collaborate with other universities (UJEP, UK), ASCR institutes (ICHP, AI) and foreign partners (Germany, USA, Sweden).

The main directions of research activities are:

  • biophysics of photosynthesis (natural and artificial), molecular spectroscopy

  • experimental physics of low-temperature plasma, deposition of thin and nanostructured surfaces

  • electronics, signal processing, audio-visual equipment

  • computer modeling (liquids, surfaces, biomolecules, plasma, atmosphere)

  • astronomy and astrophysics, plasma astrophysics, solar physics - particle, hybrid and MHD computer simulation

  • modeling of the atmosphere and climate, physical parameterization of climate models.

Why do we exist?

The Institute guarantees the bachelor study of physics, physics education, biophysics and measuring and computing and the master’s study of biophysics and teaching of physics for secondary schools.

What are our aims?

Our goal is to ensure educational and scientific development in the areas of experimental biophysics (optical laboratory), plasma physics, surfaces and thin layers (experimentally and theoretically), computer modeling and applied electrical engineering (measuring and control technology, audiovisual equipment).

In the field of applied physics and electrical engineering we strive for closer cooperation with the manufacturing sector. This effort is included in the forthcoming master program applied measuring and computing.

Where to find us?

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Contact information


Branišovská 31a,

České Budějovice

Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420 387 772 218

Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Who are we?

The Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry is a research and educational unit of the Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia in the České Budějovice. The education of students takes place in the bachelor’s and master’s courses in Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, Chemistry Education and Teaching Chemistry for Secondary Schools. An integral part of the work of the institute is also the research activity which is closely linked with the quality education of students.

What do we do and for whom?

The research activities of the Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry are largely linked to the biological disciplines traditionally cultivated at the USB Faculty of Science or at the institutes of the Biology Centre of the ASCR. In addition, it also develops projects to interface with other natural science disciplines at the faculty such as physics, mathematics or computer science. Research at the Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry can be divided into several groups: Environmental chemistry, structural biochemistry, biophysical chemistry and nanotechnology

Why do we exist?

The mission of the institute is to develop chemical fields at USB FS, mostly in conjunction with classical and modern biological disciplines that USB FS has built over a long time. The institute educates professionals educated in chemical fields both for the academic sector and the commercial sector or the public sector. In addition to training, the institute also ensures the training of future chemistry teachers for secondary schools in combination with other natural science disciplines.

What are our aims?

The USB Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry should ensure the education of specialists in chemical disciplines with an emphasis on interdisciplinary education at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in the long term.

Where to find us?

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Contact information


Branišovská 31a,

České Budějovice

Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420 387 775 533
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Department of Molecular Biology

Department of Molecular Biology

Who are we?

The DMB provides training of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students in a broad spectrum of molecular biology. It tries to conduct the highest quality research on the molecular mechanisms of eukaryotic cells.

What do we do and for whom?

The DMB is dedicated to preparing students for a career as a molecular biologist, both in applied and basic research in medicine and biology, as well as with a focus on molecular diagnostics.

It is currently made up of 13 separate laboratories (Bruce lab, Doležel lab, Doležal lab, Jindra lab, Kotsyfakis lab, Krejčí lab, Lazar lab, Lukeš lab, Masako lab, Oborník lab, Šauman lab, Sobotka lab a Zíková lab) mainly located in České Budějovice., but also in Třeboň (Sobotka lab) and Nové Hrady (Lazar lab). The focus of each laboratory is on a specialized area in an extremely wide range of contemporary molecular biology. The common denominator of most of the laboratories of our department is work on model organisms, because it is through them that our cognition of the complexity of unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes is so dynamic.

Another common denominator is the demanding requirements for students of all levels, as it concerns team work, costly research, which aims to produce "cutting-edge" science. In a number of laboratories, English is used for communication.

Why do we exist?

The goal is to train senior researchers at the international level from the best students. All members of the department have extensive international experience and lead research teams. A common feature of master's and doctoral projects is the conducted functional analysis of genes in different model organisms.

What are our aims?

There is no big secret that the most important and most dynamic field of modern biology is molecular biology. The goal of our department is to be a leader in the field, by which we do not mean the Czech Republic, but on the international scale. For this reason, we have students and scholars from around the world in our laboratories. We believe that there will be motivated students from all levels from the USB Faculty of Science, who will always have (and a difficult, but very fun and exciting) an interest in participating. Our long-term goal is to create the best possible conditions for them.

Where to find us?

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Contact information


Branišovská 31

37005, České Budějovice

Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: 387775416
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Laboratory of Developmental Biology and Genomics

Department of Genetics

Department of Genetics

Who are we?

The Department guarantees Master's degree programs in experimental biology (specialization in genetics and genetic engineering) and the doctoral field molecular and cellular biology and genetics.

The department develops scientific activities in collaboration with the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology BC of the ASCR, the Institute of Entomology BC of the ASCR, the Institute of Parasitology BC of the ASCR, and the South Bohemian University Faculty of Agriculture in the fields of molecular genetics and cytogenetics of plants and animals.

What do we do and for whom?

The department educates and trains bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree students studying genetics or genetic engineering for research activities. On account of their qualifying work, students are directly involved in research, thereby gaining new skills, experience and mastering methods at the highest possible level. The tasks they work on fall mostly within the category of basic research, but in some cases with possible early application potential (e.g. research of plant nucleases and their potential in medicine in the treatment of cancer or the development and modification of transformation methods for transgensis plants).

Why do we exist?

The Department of Genetics (DGN) of the USB Faculty of Science is involved in ensuring the field of study Biology and the field of study Biomedical Laboratory Technology, the bachelor degree program BIOLOGY,the study program Biophysics (focused on the Preparation for the master's study of Biophysics) the bachelor degree program BIOPHYSICS and the field of study Caring for the environment (with a specialization in Management and decision-making in the environment and Monitoring and analysis in the environment) and the bachelor degree program ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION


Under the master's degree program BIOLOGY, the department guarantees the study field Experimental biology, specializing in genetics and genetic engineering.

The department also guarantees together with the Department of Molecular Biology the study program Molecular and cell biology and genetics of the doctoral program MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY.

The department staff also provide teaching or participate in courses guaranteed by the Department of Molecular Biology. The Department of Genetics coordinates bachelor (dissertation) work focused on molecular genetics and the cytogenetics of plants, animals and humans and on transgensis plants.

What are our aims?

We want to keep the existing diversity of the offer of topics for theses students (evolution of multigene families, the use of genetic markers for solving taxonomic problems of selected arthropods, biology and evolution of the chromosomes of arthropods, organization of the plant genome, molecular diagnostics of plant viruses, viroids and phytoplasmas, antisense RNA in plants, transgenesis plants ) and expand the range of training courses to include some other ones (genetic toxicology, evolutionary genetics of animals), which should be useful for students from other departments.

Where to find us?

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Contact information


Branišovská 31a,

České Budějovice

Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420 387 775 515

Laboratory of Ecology of Temperate Insects

Laboratory of Ecology of Temperate Insects


Contact information

University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty of Science
Department of Zoology

Branišovská 31, České Budějovice

Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420605430008
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Web site:

Biological surveys of industrial habitats

Evaluation of the eco-efficiency of eco-farm subsidies

Eco-conservation assessment of a site

Determination of service of selected groups